Happy New Year! We hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday season. We hope you made lots of memories and found some moments to rest amidst the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season!
We are excited to get back into the swing of things this year. Life Groups are back and Discovery, our Wednesday night equipping, will start back Wednesday, January 8. We will also begin our Wednesday night meals on January 8.
– Amy Elizabeth Cockroft and Thomas Lister

What’s Happening in Life Groups?  

January 5 – Elisha’s Ministry
January 12 – Naaman is Cured
January 19 – The Fall of Israel
January 26 – Good King, Bad King

What’s Happening on Wednesdays?  

Join us for Discovery at 6pm each Wednesday night in Kidtown. During Discovery on Wednesday nights your child will visit 3 different rotations: Bible skills, snack and music. During Bible Skills they will discover what God’s word says about who He is and how He wants us to live! During music, your children will learn about what it means to worship God and work on songs that will be performed throughout the year. It is a night full of fun and learning that your child will not want to miss!

Upcoming Events for Kids

January 8, 2025 @ 6:15 pm - May 7, 2025 @ 7:15 pm

Monthly Verse for January

Philippians 2:3-7

Resources for Kids & Families

You can use several books and resources in your home as you join other Broadmoor households to live out the one-year goal. Long Story Short is the book on which most of our curriculum is written. We also encourage you to purchase The Gospel Storybook Bible. We believe this will be helpful because if you miss a Sunday, you can read the story taught and continue the devotions as usual. Each week, we will send a take-home sheet home with your child. This sheet will have the scripture and a daily question from the devotional. As you read through your devotional, have your child fill out their take-home sheet and bring it back each Sunday for Kidtown Bucks!  

Let’s stay in touch!

Email – kids@broadmoor.org
Text – text KIDS to 32373
Facebook – facebook.com/broadmoorkids
Instagram – @broadmoorkids