Hurricane Helene has caused significant damage, and we need your help. All disaster relief mobilization is being coordinated through Mississippi Baptist Disaster Relief, including credentialed Broadmoor members. There is a need for prayer and for resources to help transport and provide services to those in need. Visit, select “Give as an Individual,” and designate your gift to DISASTER RELIEF. More importantly, please keep those impacted and the relief workers in your prayers. Your prayers and financial support can bring hope to those affected by this disaster. Thank you for living generously.
Our Disaster Relief teams want to be ready to mobilize and run to the hurting when called upon. To help us prepare for future needs, please take a moment and fill out the interest form linked below. This will help us be prepared to let you know when there is a need.
Spend time praying for those whose lives have been rocked by disasters. Pray for peaceful resolve, resources to rebuild, and health to be restored or maintained. Also, pray for those responding to the needs. Law enforcement officers, fire and rescue personnel, and utility workers are working long hours under challenging conditions. Pray for their safety and clarity of mind as they attempt to restore communities.
Maybe you would prefer to give financially. Please visit Broadmoor’s Give page and select Special Gift in the giving form, then under Note, designate “Disaster Relief” to have your gift above your regular tithes given to disaster relief.