Caring Well Connection – Peace Works Livestream

On October 10-11, learn about caring for those who have been abused from the comfort of your home. This online training conference is intended to serve both professionals and non-professionals…

CHH Open House

The Center for Hope and Healing has moved to a new location and we want you to come check it out! Counselors have been seeing clients at the new location…

Caring Well Connections: What Is Grooming?

Guest Speaker: Darby Strickland, Counselor and Abuse Expert Join Broadmoor’s Caring Well Team for an important discussion on distinguishing between healthy mentorship and potential grooming behaviors with counselor and abuse…


GriefShare equips participants with the tools necessary to begin the healing process following the loss of a loved one, whether it’s been just a few months or more than a year.…


Separated or divorced? Please join us for this 13-week course on learning how to survive divorce, and how to thrive as a single adult. Healing, loneliness, depression, anger, caring for…

Shelter Ministry’s Respite Care Training

If you’re interested in serving as a respite care provider, join us on Sunday, September 17 in the Chapel as we welcome a representative from South Christian Services for Children…

Surviving the Holidays

Surviving the Holidays is an annual event in November for those who have had a loved one pass away or have lost a spouse due to divorce. The program will…