The 2023 Women’s Christmas Gathering – Restore will be Tuesday, November 28, at Broadmoor Baptist Church (Madison, MS) at 7pm in the Worship Center. We are excited to welcome our guest speaker, Tara-Leigh Cobble.
Tara-Leigh is from Dallas, TX. She spends her days helping people read, understand, and love the Bible. Those things include hosting a daily podcast called The Bible Recap, leading D-Group International (an international network of Bible studies), speaking to audiences about God and His Word, writing books, leading trips to Israel, and hosting a daily radio show called The God Shot.
Come early and enjoy shopping in The Market! Local vendors, as well as mission partners, will have their booths in the Commons.
Purchase tickets HERE.
Online registration will close at noon on November 28th. Tickets may still be purchased at Will Call.
Evening Schedule:
If you have questions, contact Beth at