Broadmoor's Easter Events
Easter is a special time at Broadmoor as we remember the week of Jesus’ death and burial and celebrate his resurrection, which brings us new life! Join us as we gather for worship, participate in the Lord’s Supper, watch a dramatic recount of Holy Week through The Journey, take Easter to our community through Easter In The Park, and walk through Easter week through daily devotionals. For more information about specific events and activities, please click the images above as you scroll through them.
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Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
Be part of the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American missions. This offering benefits the church planters and missionaries serving in the United States, Canada, and U.S. territories of Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa. Much like the Lottie Moon offering taken at Christmas, the monies collected will be used to help meet the needs of these frontline workers who faithfully serve. Please consider being a part of this special offering. You can click on the button below to give online (be sure to select Annie Armstrong as the fund you are giving toward), or you can bring your offering to Broadmoor anytime in March!